
Thirteen remodeled bookshops in seven states of the country

Conaculta Bookshops Network, Educal, sold 1,134,466 copies from January to October 2015

December 13, 2015

The Conaculta Bookshop Network continued its task in 2015 of promoting and supporting culture through the marketing of high quality books at affordable prices offered by Conaculta (for its contraction in Spanish) and other public and private institutions which strengthened the distribution channels both in Mexico and abroad.

 Currently, Educal has a bookshop network in 90 points of sale throughout the country (located inside museums and cultural sites in more than 20 public facilities), 10 mobile bookshops (Librobús project-Book bus project) and Elena Garro Cultural Center in Mexico City.

 Thirteen bookshops have been reformed in seven states of the Mexican Republic during this year: the Museum of Arts of Queretaro, the Educational and Cultural Center of Queretaro; the House of Culture of Irapuato, the former Convent of San Agustin de Salamanca, El Nigromante Cultural Center of San Miguel de Allende, the Cultural Forum of Leon, Guanajuato; the Cabañas Hospice in Guadalajara, Jalisco; Emilia Ortiz Contemporary Art Center of Tepic, Nayarit; José María Velasco Museum of Toluca, State of Mexico; Cultural Center of Zamora, Palacio Clavijero of Morelia and Teatro Emperador Caltzontzin of Patzcuaro in Michoacan, as well as the unit that is located in the Palacio de Gobierno (Government Palace) in Colima.

 Three projects for new bookshops were designed and will be finished in 2016: the reopening of Conaculta Reforma Bookshop in Mexico City, Santa Rosa Cultural Center of Viterbo in Querétaro and the Publishing Fund of the State of Mexico in Toluca, Mexico.

 In order to promote reading and offer affordable prices, Educal initiated on March 2015 a policy of permanent discounts in the bookshop network. The first special offer was a 50% discount on all books of Conaculta during March and April (except news, according to the Regulations of the Promotion of Books and Reading Law) continuing with the promotions linked to ephemeris and literary commemorations policy.

 From January to October 2015 Educal reported sales of 1,134.466 copies, producing values of $ 116,707,458, divided into the following categories: National Bookshop Network and Librobús, 981,487 copies ($ 105,245,835); Business, 49,112 volumes ($ 3,590,000); fairs and special national events, 35,473 ($ 2,601,622); Online bookshop, 3,480 publications ($ 350,000); sales and international events-export- 788 ($ 180,000), and in the institutional market, 64,126 units ($ 4,740,000).

 The best-selling titles in the same period, published by the General Administration of Publications of Conaculta were: Evangelios apócrifos (Apocrypha gospels) (new edition); Manuel Felguérez. El límite de una secuencia (The limit of a sequence); La conquista de Mexico (The conquest of Mexico); El viaje de los cantores (The journey of the singers), and El abuelo Gregorio, un sabio maya (The grandfather Gregorio, a Mayan wise).

The best-selling titles of Conaculta institutional funds were the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Nacional (Anthropology and History National Institute) (INAH, for its acronym in Spanish) Guía del maestro (Teacher guide) of Museo Regional Cuauhnahuac (Regional Museum), Carta (Letter) from Benito Juárez to Pedro Santacilia (Sobre), ¡Arriba el norte! (Hurrah the north!, Volume I and II (CD), El Tajín (INAH), and Espacio y tiempo (Space and time) Museo Regional Cuauhnahuac Palacio de Cortés (Palacio de Cortés Cuauhnahuac Regional Museum).

From the National Institute of Fine Arts Fund: Pasión y Riesgo (Passion and Risk). Rosa Bera, Fotógrafo de Lucha Libre (Wrestling Photographer), La Divina Proporción en la obra de…(The Divine Proportion in the work of Franco Ricci and Massimo Listri), Coreografía (Choreography), Primer cuaderno (First notebook); Rutas integradoras de la creación (Inclusive routes of choreography), Targum en una botella (Targum in a bottle).

 The best-selling volumes published by the General Administration of Popular Cultures of CONACULTA (for its contraction in Spanish) were: Recetario tradicional del Distrito Federal (Traditional Recipes of the Federal District), Flores de la cocina mexicana, cocina indígena y popular 22, (Flowers of Mexican cuisine, indigenous and 22 popular cuisine) Geometrías de la imaginación. Diseño e iconografía de Michoacán (Geometries of imagination. Design and iconography of Michoacan) (Reimpresión), (Tejiendo la identidad (Weaving identity), Así se come en Tlaxcala. Cocina indigena y popular 62 (That's how we eat in Tlaxcala. Indigenous and 62 popular cuisine).

 From the National Coordination of Cultural Development Fund: Monstruos Mexicanos (Mexican Monsters II), Árbol de la vida (Tree of Life). Libro de Origami, Cómo ser un explorador del mundo (Origami book, How to be a world explorer), Monstruos mexicanos I (Mexican Monsters I), and Transformas la realidad social desde la cultura (Transform social reality from culture) (Intersecciones).

 From Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (Mexican Film Institute ) IMCINE (for its contraction in Spanish) Fund: Cine y psicología (IMC) (Film and psychology), Narrativa breve infantil 04 (04 Child brief narrative) (DVD included), Cortometraje 2013 (Short film 2013), Horizontes del segundo ciclo (Horizons from the second cycle), Investigación y pedagogía del cine mexicano ( Research and teaching of Mexican cinema). From los Amigos de Museo de Arte Moderno (Friends of the Museum of Modern Art): 50 años, 50 obras, (50 years, 50 works) (diptych), Fascinación (Fascination), Giséle Freud y su cámara (Giséle Freud and her camera), Pedro Ramirez Vazquez (diptych), and Fascinación (Fascination) (catalog).


 Educal offers Librobús (Book bus) program, mobile bookshops that bring reading to inaccessible areas where there is lacking book offer, in order to present a dynamic literary space to promote universal works at low cost.

 Between January and October, Educal 10 book buses fleet (the book bus is an expandable 6.5 ton truck that transforms itself into a library with a collection of up to 4000 copies) visited 367 towns throughout the country. Cumulative sales of these mobile bookshops were 28, 692 units ($ 1.55 million).

In the framework of the Guadalajara International Book Fair the expedition tour Tierra Adentro was jointly organized with DGP. A trip in Librobús (Book bus) started in Mexico City on November 22 and ended in Guadalajara on 29 same month. The tour included the presence of the writer Verónica Gerber and a group of documentary filmmakers, who accompanied the Librobús (Book bus) and offered a workshop to develop "A community book" with the population of the seven towns visited.

Educal Digital

 The Educal virtual or digital library ( started on November 2013 with the aim of widening access to culture as a way of integral formation of citizens, enabling universal access to culture through the use of information and communications technology.

 In a comparison, in the first quarter of 2014 the virtual library offer reached 33,477 titles. Educal currently offers in its online bookstore physical and virtual publications: 43,248 books (3,122 from DGP and 850 from INAH), and 126,171 digital titles (132 from the General Administration of Publications and 38,439 free) .

 The Educal catalog is composed of twelve classifications: Arts, Pure Sciences, Social Sciences, Philosophy, History, Language, Literature, General Works, Religion, Technology, Children and Young people and High School

 Under these fields of knowledge, Educal has a range which is available in its virtual bookstore, including,  Lo más buscado (The most wanted), Novedades Conaculta (Conaculta news), Novedades otras editoriales (Other publishers news), Lo más vendido (Best sellers) or Sólo libros electrónicos (EBooks Only).

 Within its digital offer you can choose between private publishers and books edited by Conaculta, and having a virtual library you can acquire the most diverse titles.

Digital magazine

 In 2014 Educal takes the name, Correo del Libro to provide a digital publication that promotes its digital and physical books offer; shares information on publications, authors and most important publishing industry commemorations and cooperates in spreading the news published by the cultural sector and academia.

 This Educal digital magazine is a year online. During this period, book reviews, briefings and interviews with Mexican writers such as Fernando del Paso, Roger Bartra, Miguel Leon-Portilla and Juan Villoro among many more, were made.

Elena Garro Cultural Center

Six hundred and forty eight activities attended by about 24,000 people were held between January and October 2015 at Elena Garro Cultural Center, located at 43 of Fernandez Leal street, in the emblematic neighborhood of La Conchita in the historic center of Coyoacán. The activities organized by Educal (storytelling, oral histories, film club, courses and workshops, and children's activities) were consolidated in the same year. In addition to its calendar of activities, the Center is permanent location for interviews, capsules and public and private television documentaries.

Among its main activities they are: Marathon reading of Alice in Wonderland, held within the framework of the activities of the World Book Day (April 23); The Children's Day Festival (from April 30 to May 3). Projection film, workshops, puppet and oral narratives.

 Summer in Coyoacan. This cycle of courses for children and adults was held from June 20 to August 16 for the second year. María Baranda, Gerardo de la Torre, Eduardo Antonio Parra, Gerardo Esquinca, Alberto Chimal and Raquel Castro gave workshops among other authors

 The International Day of Indigenous People was commemorated on August 8 and 9. Workshops, tasting traditional food, music activities and poetry readings were held. A tribute to Rafael Bernal was payed on the centenary of his birthday, as part of the celebration two activities were carried out: Eduardo Antonio Parra gave the course, México Negro (Black Mexico). Panorama de la novela criminal en el México contemporáneo (Outlook of the crime novel in contemporary Mexico), from June 23 to August 11; the Cine Negro (Film Noir) cycle was held in the film club on Mondays, from August 3 to 24

 Under the Day of the Dead, Los muertos salen a Coyoacán (The Dead go out in Coyoacan) cycle was held including a concert of Cabezas de Cera (Heads of wax), which put live music in The cabinet of Dr. Calighari projection, storytelling night tours and conversations with authors such as Vicente Quirarte and Bernardo Esquinca.

 In November the Educal Rewards program was reactivated, which offers customers 10% or 5% bonus of all the network bookshops purchases. The new Educal Rewards card is already available in all bookshops of the country. For more information, consult the site

 The best-selling titles, pointed out in the sales report, from Penguin Random Publisher were: Ciudades de papel (Papel cities), Adulterio (Adultery), Buscando a Alaska (Looking For Alaska), Número cero, (Number zero) and Bajo la misma estrella ( Under the same star). Film editing. From  Planeta Mexicana Publisher: Cien años de soledad ( One Hundred Years of Solitude) (Booket), Los hornos de Hitler (Hitler ovens), El libro Troll (The Troll book), Persona Normal (Ordinary person) and Mirreynato.

 From the Economic Culture Fund: El laberinto de la soledad (The Labyrinth of Solitude), La peor señora del mundo (The worst mistress of the world), El capital en el siglo XXI (Capital in the Twenty-First Century), El libro salvaje (Wild Book) and Historia de Mexico (History of Mexico) (2010). From Mexicanos unidos publishers: Diario de Anna Frank (Diary of Anne Frank), El principito (The Little Prince), Orgullo y Prejuicio (Pride and Prejudice), El arte de la guerra (The Art of War) and Canek.

 From Oceano Publisher, Diario de Greg 1 ( Diary of a Wimpy kid 1), Un renacuajo ( A little guy), Diario de Greg 8 (Diary of a Wimpy kid 8). Mala suerte (Bad Luck) (Rústica), El niño del pijama de rayas (The Boy in the striped pajamas) (Ilustrado), Diario de Greg 3 (Diary of a Wimpy 3). Esto es el colmo (That's too much!) (Rústica) and Los juegos del hambre (The Hunger Games).


Mexico,Distrito Federal