
The story was written by Leo Tolstoy

Esarhaddon, King of Assyria reveals a way in which a violent personality originates

January 11, 2016

The literary tradition says that a story must have an action, tell a fact. From that perspective the psychic anatomy of the character seems to remain on a plane reserved for the novel. However, we can consider that a great story is one in which a strong character is touched and transformed by an experience, and at the same time the reader experiences that change. That is the great virtue of the story by Leo Tolstoy, Esarhaddon king of Assyria, which with fabulous illustrations by Tania Recio, presents the Secretary of Culture and Magenta publisher through the National Program, Salas de Lectura.

 By mistake we believe that children's stories are just for kids, without realizing that we are all children. The truth is that learning is a path that becomes lovely when learning gives us uplifting experiences that revitalize principles whose revision is urgent.

 King Esarhaddon was blind, but not literally, what happened was that he seemed unable to see what his violence caused in the world around him. He himself was the personification of violence, proof of this is that by winning the reign of King Lailie, he had burned the villages, enslaved the inhabitants, murdered the army and several generals, and captured the king.

 And if he had not ended the life of Lailie was because he did not know how to do his most terrible and painful death. He had locked him in a cage, and daily tortured making him witnessed the death of his people.

 One night while lying on his bed thinking how he should execute Lailie, appears before him an old man with long beards and look calm:

- "You wish to execute, Lailie - asked the old man.

Yes-answered the King- but I cannot make up my mind how to do it.

- But you are Lailie- said the old man.

The king is unable to understand these words, so that he can understand the message that is revealed to him, the old man invites him to approach a font, once there the old man pours over him a pitcher of water, initiating a great fantastic journey that connects all times of life and life with the lifes.

Then the king knows the worst of himself and us the character, in the most odious way, but also in the best way and we find how there is a link between both possibilities and how it breaks.

 Underwater the current run, so the words. The conflict in the story takes us inside the wave forcing us to accept that the strength with which we maintain our identity, becomes a force fighting against the others. To defend ourselves as the only ones has the risk of devaluing others ' life, and that is how the figure of the enemy is created.

When this happens we are ready to validate any abuse, in all circumstances and that is how all forms of violence originate. Believe that our life, our principles are those that deserve to exist it gives the right to the most detestable acts.

However, as the great Greek tragedies showed us, if the powerful can change the people he dominates also can or must change, in the statement that there is no life more worth it than another.

 Esarhaddon King of Assyria has the certainty that the revelation is for everyone, no matter your nationality or the time, or perhaps we should say that now that the world regrets everyday about issues such as terrorism, genocide, refugees crises, the reading is essential (if we want to continue to be a human society), and understand that you are Lailie too.

 Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is one of the great authors of Russian literature and a universal classic. His great work include novels that have guided generations of writers around the world as War and Peace and Anna Karenina. He also wrote several volumes of short stories and novels in which his revolutionary, pacifist and humanist ideals are reflected.

 Leo Tolstoy, Esarhaddon King of Assyria. Adaptation and translation, Benjamin Preciado Solis; Illustrations by Tania Recio; Conaculta- Magenta; National Programme, Salas de Lectura, Mexico, 2014.


Mexico,Distrito Federal