
Puebla announce the eighth edition of the International Brilliant Minds Festival: The City of Ideas

November 04, 2015

The International Brilliant Minds Festival: The City of Ideas is one of the three most distinguished events in the world in terms of advanced science and technology, said Andrés Roemer, curator of the event, who announced part of the program to be presented in 2015 .

 Under the slogan, What's the point? over 60 lecturers, scientists, humanists and opinion leaders, world-renowned personalities who will present the most innovative ideas in just 21 minutes will participate from November 5 to 7.

"We will have this year at the festival probably one of the luckiest curatorials in which it will reflect on what is the meaning and point of an idea of science, death, happiness, power; what is the meaning of a city of ideas", said Andres Roemer in press conference.

 On his behalf, Governor Rafael Moreno Valle said that this year 2015 the idea of the festival is that the public reflect on issues that may be made in private. "Many of the questions that sometimes as humans we do on various topics will be debated for intellectuals, ideologues and artists, which I think is a great opportunity to learn about the progress that science has."

 The governor added that the posibility to listen to the thoughts of men and women of brilliant minds definitely "help all", and announced that in its eighth edition the Festival of Brilliant Minds will change its headquarters to the Auditorio Metropolitano of Puebla.

 "We will open a new home for the City of Ideas, with which it will be possible to increase the number of persons enjoying the festival live, although one of the successes we've had is to reach through Project 40, radio and television Puebla ".

 In that sense, Andrés Roemer gave figures, citing until its seventh year the Festival of Brilliant Minds: The City of Ideas has had 30 million people as an audience in the media; 80 million people have followed the event via streaming or through television programs; and more than 25,000 people have attended various festivals where more than 393 brilliant minds have participated.

Regarding the programming, which will be divided into the categories of Brain Entertainment, Psychology, Science, Ethics and Philosophy, Politics, Economics, Inspirational, Technology, Arts, Education, Debate, MEX I AM, Wunder-18, Andres Roemer stressed the participation of international consultant and expert Ronald Heifetz, the neurologist Antonio Damasio and lawyer Cass Sunstein, "Three cutting-edge thinkers who are changing the world."

 "There will be people of laughter therapy, as Patch Adams; we will have a great public policy debate on the regulation of drugs with presidents of three countries: Switzerland, Mexico, Colombia; Chinese dancer Yuan Yuan Tan; Isaac and Esteban Hernández, dancers; and opera singers; at section MEX I AM, Jorge Soto, who discovered a study to detect pancreatic cancer immediately and, of course, Lorena Ochoa, not to mention some of the 60 major speakers", said Roemer.

Through the City of Ideas, Poder Civico AC organization recognizes that Mexico needs to reinvent itself, find other ways to do more with the same to successfully be integrated into a globalized world. But this can only be achieved with creativity.

 In this sense, Poder Cívico has devoted itself to the task of organizing this festival in Mexico, whose main purpose is to encourage curiosity and creativity to break paradigms and generate new ways of thinking.

 Other personalities who will be this year at the International Brilliant Minds Festival: The City of Ideas are: the cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman; neurologists Susana Martinez-Conde, Stephen Macknik, Karla Kanora, Maz Jobrani, Melody Yang, Adam Alter; the therapist, Esther Perel, Gad Saad, Peter Singer, David Konzevik, Roman Mars, Jimmy Nelson, Jose Miguel Sokoloff, Sugata Mitra, César Gaviria Trujillo, Mark A. Kleiman, Ruth Dreifuss, Kevin A. Sabet, Antonio Mazzitelli, Alejandro Madrigal Rodrigo Medellin, Daniela Liebman, Raymond Wang, Ryan Hreljac, Trisha Prabhu, among others.

The International Brilliant Minds Festival: The City of Ideas, will be held from November 5 to 7 at the Metropolitan State Auditorium, located in Sirio corner Pléyades, Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl-Quetzalcoatl, San Andrés Cholula, Puebla.


Mexico,Distrito Federal